We must be doing something right

Last night I wrapped two of the gifts for the kids from the angel tree at my daughter’s preschool. My oldest son was sitting in the kitchen and asked whom the gifts were for. I told him and said I had one more gift to buy since I had picked out another tag. Since we had three kids it seemed right to buy for three kids. He turned this around in his brain a bit and then said that if there were any names still left when I went in, I should get one and he would buy the gift.

Now, this is the same kid that typically spends his allowance as soon as he can get to a store. However, his birthday was two weeks ago and when he saw his grandparents, they gave him birthday money. He was planning to use that to buy a video game. Buying a gift for someone in need would use half that money, which would take 4 weeks of allowance to replace.

Can I just say that I’m really proud of him? I know he’s only 13 and we have a million miles to walk with him, but he’s a good kid. And his heart’s in the right place.

Ringbinder theme by Themocracy