Two LOCAL emergency contacts are required

That’s what it says on the forms I have to fill out for the kids’ preschool. “In the case of emergency or illness, I authorize the following to act on my behalf if I cannot be reached.”

I’m truly at a loss as to what to put in this space. Could I ask friends to be alternate contact in case one of the kids needs to be picked up because they are sick? Sure, but they wouldn’t have the car seat to transport said child. And emergency? In an emergency, you’re doing whatever it takes to take care of my kid, and then you are calling my husband or me. There is no alternate contact for an emergency. You could call my parents, but they aren’t “LOCAL”.

What did the sun have for breakfast?

It’s been warming up a little, so nice to see the sun and think it feels warm! When we went to preschool this morning it was still overcast and I mentioned to the kids that I hoped the sun came out later.

When we left the house to pick up the girly at lunchtime, my littlest noticed the sun had come up. This lead to the following exchange -

“Look, the sun is up. It is done eating breakfast.”

“Oh, is that why it wasn’t out before?”

“Yeah, it was eating waffles and bananas.”

“Is that what the sun has for breakfast?”

“And juice. Waffles and bananas and juice.”

Who could possibly argue with that?

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