
I’m not a huge fan of fast food. There is nothing I want to eat at most of those places, but I have a weakness for Burger King. However, they are quickly moving themselves onto my do not eat there list. (And before you email me telling me the 100s of reasons I shouldn’t eat there, don’t bother, I already know.) Why?

Well, first they changed their kids’ meals from applesauce to apple “fries”. Apple “fries” are apples sliced like french fries with enough preservatives in them to keep them from turning brown. They come with a caramel packet (like a ketchup packet) only stickier. What a mess. And my kids, especially the youngest, liked applesauce. So, add to that the fact that there is an upcharge for these stupid apple “fries”, and I am an unhappy camper.

On Friday, I learned of another change. It used to be when you ordered one of their value meals, they were sized as medium, large and king size. They’ve changed them. Now they are small, medium and large. Not that they have actually changed anything, except that if you go in there and order a medium and think you are getting (and paying for) the smallest size, you actually aren’t. I’m annoyed. Does the average consumer get a warm fuzzy thinking they are eating less because they will now order a large instead of king size when they will still shell out the same amount of money for the same amount of food? Or is this just a ploy so that in another month BK can roll out “King Size” again and offer 4 sizes, with an obscenely large king size and a price point to go with it? What the heck is going on here?

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