flannel lined corduroy pants

Jack needed black pants for his holiday program. (He still needs a white shirt and red tie, but that’s another story.) These are no fuss elastic waist pants in a fine wale cord with a flannel lining.


These are Kwik Sew 2918, size 4T. They have a 1 3/8″ allowance for the elastic casing, so I took 1″ off the top of the flannel lining to reduce the bulk there. The colors in the photo are a bit off and I keep crashing GIMP when I try to adjust them. The corduroy is black, and the kitchen island they are laying on is also much darker than it appears.

Now, I have to admit to doing the dumbest thing. I sewed the corduroy into a pair, then sewed the flannel as a pair. I then put them inside each other and proceeded to connect them at the leg hems. Trying turning that back right side out. It doesn’t work. I picked apart one leg hem, then realized that what I really needed to do was take apart the crotch seams on the flannel. That wouldn’t have been too bad had I not sewed those first and then sewed the inseam as one length. Seam ripper, seam ripper…

Note to self – line pants as follows:

Sew outside pants.
Sew each leg of inner layer separately.
Attach inner and outer at leg hem.
Sew crotch of inner layer.
Sew waistband.

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