Snoopy, for my nephew

This is Kwik Sew 2912 again, this time in a 3T, which I’m hoping will either fit my nephew or leave him room to grow.

Snoopy Baseball sweatshirt, Kwik Sew 2912

I forgot to mention it before, but this is the neatest fabric. It looks like a sweater knit on the front, but inside it’s the nicest soft fleece.

Colors in the embroidery –
C&C White
C&C Black
C&C G8 51 (brown)
Mettler poly sheen 5643 (dk green)
Mettler poly sheen 1805 (red)

Tow Mater – success!

Here it is with the stabilizer washed off.

Tow Mater shirt

I think he likes it…



He likes it.

I did have to tell him it wasn’t from Kohls, though!

Tow Mater

Kwik Sew 2912 in 4T. This is before washing out the stabilizer on the front.
Kwik Sew 2912 Boy's 4T Sweatshirt

This has two layers of water soluble on the top and a layer each of solvy sticky and cut away on the bottom.

Colors as follows –
1. C&C Black
2. Sulky Yellow
3. C&C D8-543
4. C&C C9-300A
5. C&C G8-256
6. C&C E7-57A

flannel lined corduroy pants

Jack needed black pants for his holiday program. (He still needs a white shirt and red tie, but that’s another story.) These are no fuss elastic waist pants in a fine wale cord with a flannel lining.


These are Kwik Sew 2918, size 4T. They have a 1 3/8″ allowance for the elastic casing, so I took 1″ off the top of the flannel lining to reduce the bulk there. The colors in the photo are a bit off and I keep crashing GIMP when I try to adjust them. The corduroy is black, and the kitchen island they are laying on is also much darker than it appears.

Now, I have to admit to doing the dumbest thing. I sewed the corduroy into a pair, then sewed the flannel as a pair. I then put them inside each other and proceeded to connect them at the leg hems. Trying turning that back right side out. It doesn’t work. I picked apart one leg hem, then realized that what I really needed to do was take apart the crotch seams on the flannel. That wouldn’t have been too bad had I not sewed those first and then sewed the inseam as one length. Seam ripper, seam ripper…

Note to self – line pants as follows:

Sew outside pants.
Sew each leg of inner layer separately.
Attach inner and outer at leg hem.
Sew crotch of inner layer.
Sew waistband.

A white shirt for a snowgirl – Ottobre 1/2001 #21

Zoe is Mama Snowman in her class holiday play. She is to wear a white top in case it shows when she stands behind the cardboard snowman she’s pretending to be. We’re stretching “white” to include shirts that are white with silver snowflakes. The plan is to dye this after her program’s over as I’ve learned that white is just not a color my children should wear.


Pattern is just a basic top, Ottobre 1/2001, #21, size 128.

a tester and a keeper

I was placing an order for new winter boots for the girly and noticed the fleece neck gaiters. Guessing at the dimensions, I whipped this up.


The cut dimensions were 12.5″x18″, with the stretch along the 18″.

Made one for Alex, too. Cut dimensions 15″x21″, stretching along the 21″. His probably could have been 16.5″ rather than 15″. I ladder stitched the second seam on Alex’s so it could lay flat.


Jack’s is going to be the same dimensions as Alex’s with a snoopy embroidery, I think.

That went over pretty well


And here they are modeling their new pjs – and hat, from a sweet mama I “know” from an online message board.


Ringbinder theme by Themocracy