Something yellow
Zoe’s at day camp this week. Every day has a different color theme. Most of the week she’s found something that matches the color from her collection of school and extracurricular program t-shirts. Her school t-shirt took care of red day, her t-ball t-shirt is blue, and so on. Today’s color is yellow. She didn’t have anything yellow. Pink, purple, no problem. Yellow? Nothing.
So, I pulled out an Ottobre magazine with a shirt pattern I’ve been wanting to try for her and went to work last night. I’d been putting it off because I prefer to sew with knits and this one called for a woven, and it has shirring on the front. I’d never shirred anything before. It sounded difficult and involves winding the bobbin by hand, which seemed like something I could definitely mess up. As it turns out, it’s really quite easy!
Here it is, from Ottobre Design 2/2005 – #11, in size 122 with the length of size 134.

It does look a little odd on the hanger with the shirring pulling the front together. I was worried that it was going to gape under the arms, but when Zoe tried it on this morning, it looked fine. And, even more importantly, she loved it. I ran the bottom hem through the serger to finish the edge but didn’t hem it up yet, I wanted to wait until Zoe had it on to see where it was going to fall on her.
Overall, this is a nice pattern, and once I got over my initial fear of shirring, it went together quickly.