Hey, look, it’s Dora’s backpack

Zoe has day camp this week. I wanted to make her a new bag to carry all her camp stuff in. She has swimming stuff, her raincoat, lunch and snacks, sunscreen, bug spray and her water bottle. I thought a bag with two compartments to keep the wet things away from the rest and a outside pocket for her water bottle would be a good idea. Looking through my fabric stash, I found a light purple twill that looked like a good choice for the outer. Sturdy and purple – super. I had some butterfly fabric leftover from a skirt I made Zoe, so I knew she’d like that. And I chose a dark purple waterproof fabric for the other inside compartment.

As I was putting it together, I stuck the water bottle in the side pocket to make sure it fit. When I did that, I realized it looked an awful lot like Dora’s backpack. Ah, well. Zoe loves it just the same.

Here it is, half packed, from the front:


And the back:


It looks even more like Dora’s bag when the drawstring is pulled shut, but I don’t seem to have a picture of that.

Farbenmix Oona

I’ve made this pattern before, in a smaller size. It’s not my favorite jumper/sundress, but it’s super quick. This one is fully lined, reversing to a solid purple if her heart so desires, though it wasn’t my intent. Size 124/128. Perhaps one of these days I’ll get around to trying the pants pattern that’s also in this set.

Cotton seersucker – ducks and butterflies. I suspect it won’t be long before Zoe objects for these kinds of prints.


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