holiday travels

We trekked down to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving. My sisters came with their families. It was nice to have everyone together, even though it is somewhat overwhelming after a while.

We celebrated November birthdays while we were there, convenient since my oldest had his birthday last week and my daughter had hers on Thanksgiving. My girlie is five. Sigh.

Visiting my parents means a six hour drive, including a stop for lunch. Have I mentioned how I love the dvd player? The headphones almost fit our youngest now, and since he’s all about Dora, he and the girlie happily watched several hours of Dora episodes. We don’t watch much tv at home, so trips like this are a huge treat for them. We also visited my in-laws and I got to meet my new-to-me niece, who will be one Dec. 26. Time flies.

Of course, the kids were worn out by the time we got home. Our youngest did manage a car nap, so he rebounded quite quickly and accompanied me to Target before dinner. The girlie doesn’t think she needs a nap, so she was quite a mess by the time I got her and her little brother in the tub this evening.

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