The Research Institute of Mother and Child Care
It sounds really official and important, doesn’t it? I recently received “an important survey conducted by the Research Institute of Mother and Child Care.” In the cover letter, I read that the Institute has been conducting these surveys for over 50 years. Impressive, right? This must be important work if they’ve been doing it so long. Or not. After a bit of digging, I found this is not an independent scientific organization, it’s part of Abbott Labs, the pharmaceutical company that also happens to market Similac baby formula. Of course, that little detail wasn’t actually on the survey or the accompanying cover letter. The letter closes by saying “With your input, our research regarding infant feeding will be as complete, accurate, and useful as possible.” They just fail to mention for whom it will be useful and that they are gathering this information to better market their products.
I have a couple thoughts on this. First, shame on you, Abbott Labs, for your lack of transparency. I have no issues with market research. As a child, I enjoyed the free samples and questionnaires we received in our home because my mom participated in market research programs. Hiding your organization behind an official sounding name like “The Research Institute of Mother and Child Care”? Boo.
Second, they really need to work on their target market. Over the last few months I’ve been receiving formula samples and coupons. Then this survey arrived. The only flaw in their plan is that we do not have any babies in our house. Our youngest child turned 4 in January.
It’s hard to resist putting something heavy in this postage paid return envelope and sending it back in the mail…
I received this survey today. It left me asking myself…Why me? I am the mother of 2 boys, the youngest of which will be 23 yrs. this summer, the oldest turned 28 yrs this spring. I completed the survey but with their ages, the false fact that they were given freash squeezed goats milk that i purchased from a farm just outside of town. What I want to know is how they got my name and my employers address, which is where they sent the survey