fleece socks and the elusive flatlock
I’ve tried to figure out how to flatlock fleece on my serger for a while, never achieving much success. After my favorite pair of fleece socks passed the two holes in the bottom mark, I decided I either needed to get it working or buy new socks. I searched online, finding helpful sites telling me to adjust my tension and so on. They all sounded like they knew what they were talking about, but my serger is a BabyLock Imagine. There is no tension to adjust. (Yes, I know I can make some adjustments to the needle tension, but that wasn’t relevant here.)
Once again, I pulled out my trusty manual and carefully followed the instructions for flatlocking. I just couldn’t get the fabric to lay flat. I decided to look at the other stitches. The blanket stitch and ladder stitch looked like possibilities. Would they be strong enough? They are described as decorative stitches and I’m trying to keep a sock together. The blanket stitch instructions involved water soluble stabilizer and more fuss than I wanted, so I went with the ladder stitch first. I’m so glad!
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