Jalie 2805, view C

I’ve been putting this one off because the v-neck on it made me nervous, but it really wasn’t too bad. I made this one for me, tracing out a size U. I added 1.5″ to the sleeves. If I make it again, I’ll probably add another half inch. I didn’t add anything to the length and it falls right about where most of my RTW tops do, but next time I’ll add another inch, maybe an inch and a half.

This particular knit claimed to be 100% cotton when I bought it, but I suspect there is some poly in there. Some day I may get around to burn testing it. Mostly I’ve been using it to try new patterns and check the fit and sizing since it’s not really my favorite color anyway.

Anyway, playing with the photo editing software so you don’t have to see all the other junk on my table –
JALIE 2805

Here’s a close up of the neckline, which turned out pretty well, I think.
JALIE 2805

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