how to win my vote

We are a week from the election now. Someone calls here at least once a day. Tonight, Paul’s party of choice called, wanting to be sure he goes to vote. Umm, hello, but if you want to remind him of something, you do not tell him a week in advance. A reminder is a day before, at most, otherwise he’s not going to remember. Of course, since I know you will be calling back every day until the election, I’m sure you’ve got that covered.

The caller id says “MN Campaign for”, which is kind of fun since the relevant part of the caller id is missing. So, I answer the phone and say that Paul’s not here right now. The girl on the end of the line then goes into that she was just calling to make sure he’s going to vote, blah de blah… And I said, “Look, you’ve got his vote, and I’m going to vote for whomever stops calling here.” She laughed, and of course, I was only half joking.

I’m so tired of it. How much money has been donated and spent that could have done so much good elsewhere? What if every person or organization that has given money to a campaign instead gave half to the campaign and half to a good cause? What if they matched it one to one? How many mailers do you think I need to get in the mail that tell me women make less than men in the same job? And do you think I didn’t know that before you killed a couple trees to tell me?

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